Efficient and secure control of

Is the control of keys or operational assets a significant challenge for your organisation? It can be easier and more secure with our smart electronic lockers and key cabinets.

If you would like to experience for yourself how our product can help your organisation, follow a demo online or on our premises.


Decide exactly who gets to use assets and when

Time and cost efficient

Automatische in- en uitgifte van uw sleutels of bedrijfsmiddelen


Prevent loss and wasted time searching for keys and operational assets

Complete oversight / Registration

Complete and real-time oversight of events, alerts and reports

Integration with your IT environment

Connects to your existing access system and ICT applications

Increase your level of service

Make your service desk 24/7 available and computerise manual administrative tasks

Connect software

Registration, control and reporting

The Connect software allows you to manage the issue of keys and operational assets. Every user interaction is recorded in the software.

We ensure a flawless connection with the Connect software. It can be easily integrated and linked to your existing software like TOPdesk, Ultimo, SALTO, SURFconext, or ADconnect. This allows for a seamless integration of products into your organisation


Get in touch with us

If you would like to receive more information about any of our products, get in touch with us or request a brochure here.

Used and trusted worldwide by more than 350 organisations
